What makes a great PR photo for businesses?

In today’s blog, we catch up with Sarah O’Mahoney, Director of Bradley O’Mahoney Public Relations for a short Q&A.

Can you tell us a little bit about your role?

My aim is to ensure my clients have differentiation from their competitors and to make them famous in the sectors in which they operate. Every organisation has its own DNA and personality and it is my role to find it and utilise its inherent strengths to create winning brands. To achieve these ambitious goals, I am often heavily involved in integrated communications campaigns, with a focus on internal and external communications and community and stakeholder engagement.

Why is PR so important?

Now, more than, ever PR has never been so important. With the impact of COVID-19, there is a temptation for organisations to become insular and to retreat within themselves. This is exactly the time when they should be raising their profiles. Those that continue to promote themselves will be remembered and will gain increased market share.

What is the best thing about what you do?

I enjoy taking a client on a journey and seeing the benefits of PR over the long-term. I love attending events and meeting new people. However, my main passion is being hands-on across all my clients and taking pride in the work we produce for them.

What are the benefits of having a professional photograph accompanying an article?

A picture paints a thousand words. I advise all of my clients that Editors are instantly attracted to good, creative images as they bring their publications to life. People immediately turn to an image before they look at the story that it accompanies. Editors realise this and often prioritise stories based on the quality and creativity of the image.

Thank you Sarah that’s really good advice, and finally what makes a great PR photo?

A great PR photo is one that tells a great story in its own right.

PR Enquiries sarahomahoney@bradleyomahoney.co.uk

#PublicRelations #PRPhotos #CommercialPhotography #Press

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